
Composite fillings are also called “white” fillings. Getting this type of filling used to depend on where the tooth is in your mouth. We bite down hard on our back teeth, so a white filling was not a good choice in the past. The technology associated with the new composite fillings, in recent years, has made this type of material, both acceptable and even preferable for both large and small restorations. To place this filling, your dentist cleans all decay from the tooth, and puts a glue (or bonding material) on the inside of the prepared area. Composite resin is then put into the preparation in thin layers. Each layer is then set with the help of a special blue light that your dentist holds over the tooth. When the last layer of the filling is hard, the dentist shapes the filling so it looks and feels natural.

Contact our office at (559) 637-0123 to find out how you can help prevent tooth decay or visit our preventative care page.


Teeth whitening is an established procedure in cosmetic dentistry. Carbamide Peroxide and Hydrogen Peroxide are the active whitening ingredients and have been used safely for many years in the treatment of gums and other oral soft tissues.

Over time, our teeth tend to become discolored or stained. Whether this is from smoking, coffee, tea, trauma, or any other foods, a beautiful smile could be closer than you think. We offer Take-Home Whitening kits (Day White) that can get your teeth many shades whiter.

Please contact us today to see if you are a candidate for this type of whitening.


A porcelain veneer is an ultra-thin layer of ceramic material, which is placed over a tooth surface to create a new smile. This procedure requires a little anesthesia, and can be an ideal choice for teeth that appear too small or large, slightly discolored, or simply not cosmetically pleasing to the patient. For many patients, teeth may have been chipped, became discolored, or slightly cracked. For the majority of these patients, porcelain veneers can prove to be a perfect solution.

When placing porcelain veneers, we pay close attention to the patient’s surrounding teeth and the design of each veneer to complement the overall smile. Generally, only 0.3-0.7mm needs to be removed from the surface of your tooth. The veneer is then made and bonded to the tooth. The result is a beautiful and attractive new smile.


The procedure begins with the preparation of the tooth. This entails removing the discolored or unsightly portion of the tooth and meticulously shaping the tooth in preparation for the new veneer. Once we have shaped the tooth, we will take an impression. The impression will be sent to a dental lab, where your new restoration will be made. Meanwhile, a temporary veneer is made out of plastic and place on the tooth. They are used to protect your tooth while the real veneer is being fabricated. At the second appointment, the temporary veneer will be removed and the porcelain veneer is bonded to your tooth. Although they are thin, porcelain veneers are much stronger than composite “bonding” veneers, so the risk of fracture compared to composite veneers is much less.

We’re smile experts. Let us know how can we help you. Call Reedley Family Dental for details.


Whether your teeth are discolored or chipped, or moderately crooked, Lumineers is likely a perfect solution for you.

Brighten Stained and Discolored Teeth…Permanently

Staining and discoloration are common problems. Teeth whitening is a common option, but may not eliminate all the stains, or last very long. Lumineers provide a long-lasting white smile, no matter what you eat or drink! Whether the stains are caused by time, drinking coffee or red wine, or by tetracycline staining, Lumineers can transform your smile with a permanently bright and natural look.

Restore Chipped Teeth

Do you have a chip on one of your teeth? Is it right in the front where everyone can see? Lumineers offer a painless and pleasant way to fix your chipped tooth for good.

Eliminate Spacing and Gaps

Is there a gap between your front teeth or some other spacing problem that you wish you didn’t have? Lumineers is a fast, non-invasive procedure for eliminating gaps between teeth. In just 2 short visits to your dentist, these ultra-thin “smile shapers” will eliminate excess space, while keeping your original teeth intact.

Align Crooked Teeth

Lumineers provide a painless, fast alternative to braces that offers a perfectly-aligned look along with a beautiful smile. Despite the fact that braces are readily available for adults, most do not want to endure the pain and suffering, or the embarrassment. Now you can have a completely corrected smile, in just 2 short visits to your dentist, with Lumineers—an ideal alternative to orthodontics.

Reshape Small or Misshapen Teeth

Misshapen teeth can really detract from your appearance. You’ve probably been reluctant to have a traditional veneer procedure for fear that your teeth will be ground down. Not with Lumineers. Ultra-thin Lumineers are simply placed over your original teeth, and in most cases don’t require the removal of any sensitive tooth structure.

Renew Old Dental Work

No matter your age, old crowns and bridgework add many years to your face. Lumineers can easily be placed on top of crowns and bridgework to give you a beautiful smile—painlessly.

Perfect Your Hollywood Smile

Your smile may look pretty good, but you want it to look great. A Certified Lumineers Dentist will evaluate your smile and help you achieve the look you want in just 2 short, painless visits.

Give Reedley Family Dental a call today to see if Lumineers will work for your smile!


Implant retained dentures are more secure than traditional dentures. Removable dentures must be held in place by a bonding agent, and are traditionally known for coming loose when you eat certain foods. Implants are held in place more securely and are overall more reliable.

  • Implant dentures are also more comfortable for the wearer. Most people report they don’t even feel like they have dentures in.
  • Implant retained dentures also prevent the wearer from experiencing sore spots and pressure points commonly associated with removable dentures.
  • When wearing implanted dentures, it prevents further bone loss that occurs from missing teeth. This also allows the facial structure to stay the same, and keeps your mouth healthier.

Are you interested in Implant Retained Dentures? Call Reedley Family Dental at (559) 637-0123 for details.


Mini dental implants have the same structure as regular implants, but are slightly smaller in form. These mini implants have two parts: a titanium post with a ball on the end, and a socket with a rubber O-ring that attaches the tooth to the post.

Mini implants are also less expensive than regular dental implants. Ask Reedley Family Dental if mini implants are right for you. Give us a call at (559) 637-0123 for more information on mini implants.


Dental implants are becoming more popular in today’s dental society for a number of reasons. Whenever a tooth is lost, the biting forces change and the teeth next to the space can shift. Also, opposing teeth may even be compromised by extruding into the open space, resulting in eventual tooth loss. Implants are titanium cylinders that are surgically placed in the jaw to serve as artificial roots. Attaching a replacement tooth to an implant allows us to avoid placing a bridge.

Benefits of Implants

With dental implants, you can have a beautiful smile without any invasive procedures. Dental crowns and bridges are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth – so securely fitted that they don’t move when chewing or speaking; additionally, dental implants are a great way to achieve the perfect smile. They improve chewing function and contribute towards preserving healthy teeth, which in turn gives you an attractive appearance with self-esteem that will make everyone notice your amazing grin!


Your tooth structure has two main sections, the root, and the crown. A dental implant replaces this entire section of your jaw with an anchor in order for you to have proper support against wear from things like eating hard foods or grinding your teeth during workouts! This process starts off by placing the implants where needed after which they will be covered up by gum tissue until it’s time that we attach them into place just under skin level using local anesthesia so there isn’t any significant discomfort at all. This procedure usually takes between 1 – 2 hours depending on how many teeth need to be replaced. The second step in installing a tooth is to attach an abutment. This part of the implant will support your crown and make it strong enough for chewing tasks.

Finally, the implant is given an impression of its own. A restoration crafted from abutment to crown will be ready for use immediately after completion; it’s comfortable and will leave you smiling nonstop! When your implant procedure is complete, it will be ready to use immediately. This means that the only thing holding back from going about normal activities is walking out our dental office.


Ask us if implants are the right choice for you, and get the support and stability you deserve. Call Reedley Family Dental, we’ve placed over 1000’s of implants!


Practicing good oral hygiene is of the utmost importance. To ensure all our patients maintain healthy, clean, and fresh teeth and gums, we encourage them to schedule regular check-ups and cleanings with our highly trained dental hygienists every 4-6 months. Everyone at Reedley Family Dental is here to help you with any questions or concerns you have regarding daily dental practices like brushing and flossing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Hygiene Education

1. What is the first thing that you will do while going to a regular oral check-up?

Before anything is done inside your mouth your dentist will need to know about your medical history if this is your first appointment at the dental office or, if you have been to the practice before, any changes in your health such as new medications, diabetes, arthritis, pregnancy, etc. It is important that your dental care team knows about any health concerns, anxieties, or allergies you may have in order to avoid incidents and to make sure you get the kind of care you need.

2. What is a teeth examination?

It is having a look at any problem areas in your mouth. A metal probe with a small angled mirror will be used, which will help we see behind and between teeth and gums, as well as check for the softening of tooth enamel and dentin.

We will also be on the lookout for the swelling of gums in any areas, mouth sores, and redness. Finally, we will measure your mouth’s periodontal pockets, which are the spaces between the top of the gum line and where the gum tissues firmly attaches to the tooth. Ideally, this pocket should only be between one and three millimeters deep, however, deeper pockets can be a sign of gum disease and thus should be closely monitored.

3. What is a dental exam?

The dental exam is different from the initial teeth examination that your hygienist completed as this one is done by your dentist. They will use your dental x-rays to see if there is any loss of bone, fractures, or any other abnormality below your visible gum line before moving on to look for issues with jaw alignment, teeth grinding, and oral cancer.

Once all of this is done, your dentist should have a full understanding of what your oral health needs are, and will be able to prescribe any necessary dental treatments to prevent or treat your issues.

4. Who Needs Dental X-Rays?

Dental x-rays are used diagnostically to help dentists see issues that are otherwise nearly invisible to the naked eye. Adults receive dental x-rays so dentists can better identify and treat various issues. Using these x-rays, your dental professional provider can see:

  • Areas of decay, including those in between teeth or under a filling
  • Bone loss associated with gum disease
  • Abscesses, which are infections at the root of the tooth or between the tooth and gum
  • Tumors
  • Changes in the root canal

Without an x-ray, many of these problems could go undiagnosed. With an x-ray as a reference, dentists are also better equipped to prepare tooth implants, dentures, Invisalign, and other cosmetic dental treatments.

5. What happens during a Teeth Cleaning?

We will start by scraping off built-up plaque and tartar that collects above and below the gum line before flossing between and around every tooth to remove any plaque or food particles that are clinging on.

We will also give your teeth a smooth and shiny finish using a tooth polisher with a spinning head and slightly abrasive paste. The polishing will get rid of any residue that was previously missed and will make your teeth smoother so that plaque will not collect as easily on them between visits to the dentist.

6. What is the last thing of a regular oral check-up?

The final step of the routine dental checkup is scheduling your next one for a date 4 to 6 months in the future. Scheduling your next appointment right away is the easiest and most effective way to ensure that you don’t forget to have your dental checkup regularly. Even if you are diligent in your personal dental care, there is no better protection against oral issues than having your mouth professionally cleaned and monitored.


Grinding your teeth can damage enamel, wear down teeth, cause tooth sensitivity and jaw pain. Studies have shown that grinding can be associated with sleep apnea – a serious medical condition. The noise from teeth grinding and snoring can also disturb your spouse’s sleep if loud enough. Always consult with a dental professional if there are any questions or concerns.

If you clench or grind your teeth you should consider a night guard. This device, which is very similar to a mouth guard worn by athletes, provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth while you sleep. All night guards are custom fitted for comfort and to allow proper breathing. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and have the night guard created by a dental lab. Night guards are very durable and can be used for up to 10 years.

There are also some things that you can do to try to consciously stop teeth grinding. Awareness of the problem can help to identify the times and situations that cause you to grind. Refrain from chewing gum or on other objects like pens. Studies show that you should also avoid drinks with caffeine, as these can increase the likelihood of you grinding your teeth. If you suspect you might be grinding your teeth at night, set up an appointment with us today.


Braces and orthodontic treatment are used to correct “bad bites,” or malocclusion (teeth that are crowded or crooked). In some cases your teeth may be straight, but your upper and lower jaws may not meet properly. These jaw or tooth alignment problems may be inherited or could result from injury, early or late tooth loss, or thumbsucking.

If you have an abnormal bite, our dentist at Reedley Family Dental may recommend braces or another orthodontic treatment to straighten out your smile. Correcting the problem can create a nice-looking smile, but more importantly, orthodontic treatment results in a healthier mouth. Not correcting an abnormal bite could result in further oral health problems, including:

  • tooth decay
  • gum disease
  • tooth loss
  • affected speech and/or chewing
  • abnormal wear to tooth enamel
  • jaw problems

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